Bỏ qua

Ý tưởng logo là cục đá đang được đẽo gọt, hàm ý ❝You shape your tools, and they shape you❞

Sharpen your thinking

Extending the metaphor of obsidian tools, our ambition is for Obsidian to be the tool that helps you think more clearly. As a material, obsidian is shaped using a technique called knapping, chipping off flakes of rock to create sharp edges.

Obsidian aims to help you hone your thoughts and refine your ideas with precision. The new icon represents a practical, user-friendly tool that helps you cut through the clutter and carve out clear ideas.

You shape your tools, and they shape you

We believe that Obsidian should adapt to your way of thinking, not the other way around. That’s why we focus on making Obsidian highly customizable and extensible, so you can shape it to your unique needs.

Nguồn:: The new Obsidian icon - Obsidian
Giàn giáo nhận thức cần phải tuỳ biến với quá trình hiểu biết của người dùng

Cập nhật lần cuối : 27 tháng 11, 2023
Tạo : 6 tháng 6, 2023