Framework thường dùng cho nhiều tình huống khác nhau, trong khi model thường dùng cho một tình huống cụ thể

Khái niệm::
A framework is a structured approach or system that provides a way to organize and interpret information or solve problems. It is often a set of guidelines or rules that define how to approach a particular situation.

A mental model, on the other hand, is a cognitive framework or mental construct that helps to explain how something works or how to approach a situation. It is a way of thinking about the world that is shaped by our experiences, beliefs, and assumptions.

While both frameworks and mental models can be used to organize information and solve problems, they differ in their scope and application. Frameworks tend to be broader in scope and can be applied to a variety of situations, while mental models tend to be more specific and focused on a particular topic or problem.

Nguồn:: Framework vs. Mental Model: Understanding the Differences and How to Use Them Effectively | JD Meier

Cập nhật lần cuối : 21 tháng 2, 2024
Tạo : 21 tháng 2, 2024