Patreon không được thiết kế để có được sự tương tác trực tiếp với người ủng hộ

internet culture as it’s also so brand new. The internet is still a complete baby and we have yet to figure it out obviously given the sort of all the awful things that sometimes play out on the internet. And Patreon also seems like it’s very much part of that. It’s very much like we realize that this isn’t really working, right? Because someone who subscribes to your Patreon doesn’t really get a meaningful social interaction with you, which is probably what they want in some consents through their monthly payment. And you don’t know who these people are in any meaningful human sense of having a social interaction with them and a bond. So on a fundamental level, this whole, this whole system is not doing what we need it to.

Patreon vận hành gần giống như một cuộc mua bán hơn là hoàn toàn ủng hộ

Nguồn:: Maggie Appleton, MA 11: Maggie Appleton on Open Source as a Gift Economy - Maintainers Anonymous