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Quản lý công việc và quản lý kiến thức không thể tách rời nhau

Lý do:: Công việc khai phá chính là quản lý kiến thức
Lý do:: Cần nghĩ về công việc như là một cách để kiểm định giả thiết, chứ không phải chỉ để hoàn thành
Công việc và cuộc sống không thể tách rời nhau

Công việc khai phá và công việc khai thác
Insight through making
Ý tưởng sinh ra không theo độ khẩn cấp
Thách thức:: Obsidian không mạnh về quản lý tác vụ

🚨 Organizations accumulate information in different places

All organizations use dozens or hundreds of tools to accumulate information: Notes, Spreadsheets, CRM, Project management tools, etc.

  • Knowledge management and work management separation create a false dichotomy that is reflected in tools and approaches. Information lives in many tools, so you can’t really navigate it in a unified way.
  • Many tools increase knowledge fragmentation in organizations. It is hard to create, connect and discover knowledge.
  • With deeper tools specialization, we are losing more and more context and maybe even de-augment organizations.

In the perfect world, the knowledge tool is singular and has well connected things, like a brain.

🚨 Organizations just store knowledge and put little attention to connections

This is super-weird in fact. Connections are what help us invent new things and generate insights. Without connections, information is often undiscoverable.

There are two reasons for that behavior:

  1. Most note-taking/wiki software doesn’t have good enough tools to create, navigate, and manage connections.
  2. Explicit connection creation is a heavy cognitive task, so people tend to skip it.

In the perfect world, connections are automatic and vast, like in a brain. In a semi-perfect world, we at least have good tools to create and manage connections.

🚨 Organizations handle knowledge evolution poorly

Knowledge evolves, processes evolve, structures evolve. It all means that you can’t solidify any tool and expect it to survive. However, that is how most of the existing tools are designed. You often have a fixed domain to work with limited extendability. This may shorten the organization’s life-span since eventually, the company becomes blind and rigid.

In the perfect world, knowledge evolves in a tool, like in a brain. Our tool should support information and connections evolution, mutation, and recombination.

Nguồn:: Augmenting Organizational Intelligence