Đa số mọi người nghĩ rằng các công ty lớn như Microsoft, Google tạo ra code từ đầu đến cuối, nhưng thực ra họ chỉ mua lại code và bán thương hiệu của mình

Khái niệm::
Few people know the giant lie that sits at the heart of our digital society, one so big and bold as to feel shocking once you hear the truth said plainly out loud.

Most of us believe that giant corporations like Microsoft, Google and Apple create the code that runs the world. We believe they employ thousands of the smartest people to ensure the spotless quality of proprietary code. We hear all about their singular innovation. About the enormous salaries their top coders earn. We believe their offerings are robust and secure.

The myth that Big-Tech are the originators of anything much is easy to see through with minimal research. Apple built their operating system on an open system called BSD. Windows is now almost entirely Linux. As is Android and Azure.

In reality these companies have not attained status through hard work and innovation, but by acquiring other smaller companies. That’s how modern business works.

They’ve also been running the largest industrial espionage operation in history. Because they’ve been reading your emails, and those of every competing business for decades. There isn’t a single business in the Western hemisphere who BigTech have not had a total heads-up on their R&D, recruiting, internal development, marketing strategy, trade secrets and financial affairs. Even the NSA and GCHQ now prefer to just buy civilian intelligence from them.

Big corporations do not write code. They take other people’s code and act as a directing mind. They process and mix other people’s code, shaping it into recognisable products with colourful branded packaging.

Nguồn:: Poison Code.