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Khái niệm:: Ẩn dụ
But he talked about how in the very beginning when, mostly at Apple, they were starting to try and design those icons, and figure out a way to give cause, right, Apple designed the desktop metaphor right? So before that, all computers were just the command line. You know, you just don’t have anywhere to start. And they designed this idea of like, okay, your computer is like your desk and the code on your thing is contained into files, just like your paper on the desk.

[38:34] Maggie: And everything about the way we use modern computers is framed around this, this desktop metaphor. I found his name, Tim Rohrer. I can’t say that. Anyway, he wrote a lot of wonderful papers about the history of internet metaphors and digital metaphors.

[38:48] Maggie: And he talked about, in the beginning they had a really hard time getting people to understand how to use the desktop, which to now, us is just.. of course it’s intuitive, you know? That’s what we say. Of course, you know where the stop button is. Of course, you know how to find files. Who wouldn’t know that?

[39:03] Maggie: And yet when they first handed personal computers to people and then they would try to teach them to like drag a file into the trashcan and people, or they had to like try to eject disc with the, and they were like, why would I drag a disc into the trashcan? That makes no sense. Like, what do you mean eject?

[39:19] Maggie: What am I ejecting? They, you know, they really struggled to do that and now we take it all for granted, but that’s where it becomes tacit knowledge that we don’t realize that, it’s just embedded in us.

Nguồn:: Maggie Appleton, MA 12: Maggie Appleton on Embodiment Through Metaphors - Maintainers Anonymous

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